Why you should stop giving unsolicited advice.

Giving unsolicited advice is like walking into someone's house uninvited. Even if that person is your friend. (Please don't visit your friends without informing them) This week has been a rollercoaster of drama. Both personally and professionally. There were times when I wanted to just rant. In fact almost always I just wanted to pour out what I was feeling, why I was feeling that way and everything I fantasized about the situation but I hardly expressed my emotions because I was tired of ranting to someone only for the person to bombard me with series of advice I never asked for. So instead I spoke to my brain and cells alone in that tiny little space in my head. *laughs* Yet, the one time I did rant this week, it was with a wonderful person that just listened beautifully well. Whoop!! Such a blessing. People are so quick to show off how much they know about your situation or new project with dozens of do this, go this way, act like this, just at the mere mention of expressing your self. If you are on this table, be calming down. Cool down. Truth is, if they needed your advice they would ask. Now, I'm not saying giving advice is wrong, I'm simply saying giving unsolicited advice is wrong. Unsolicited advice is advuce that is wrong. When its clear the receiver doesn't want your advice is where the problem lies. Look at this scenerio;

3 Effective Ways To Find Peace Of Mind And Happiness

Last week we talked about unexpectations then a question popped in my head, would I be at peace when something unexpected happen? Nah. I doubt that. Truth is my mind would be in constant turmoil thinking of how to handle the blow and how to face this new pursuit. When James was informed that his shop was engulfed in flames. He was thrown off balance. Loosing everything, the sweat, blood, money was all gone. Everything was lost. He went from thinking of how to keep growing in business to how he would start afresh all over again. His peace was denied. How would he find peace of mind again and happiness. The same day John went on one knee and proposed to his friend of three years. And beautifully she said "yes I will." It was the most heartwarming feeling ever to those watching and such a big blessing & celebration for John whose heart couldn't stop beating. *laughs* But later that night all the happiness disappeared. The sweet memory was gone now replaced with

6 Life Unexpected Events And How To React To Them

Unexpected events are events we dislike so much because we have no control over them. Its like a sudden slap in the face that feels like hot atardo pepper but the strange thing you've failed to realize is that unexpected events are also a cone of sweet flavored ice cream that melts in the mouth as you savoir its chilling taste with such satisfying pleasure and unbelieving joy. Its the peak of summer here in Nigeria, something we often call 'dry season', and rain is often far fetched in January even in rainy places like the city of Port Harcourt. Yet, I was at work two days ago ( on Wednesday) when I suddenly heard the clapping of the roof. I didn't pay attention because I thought it must have been the wind or the echo of the moving vehicle on the road. But in few seconds the sound came again, this time so loud and scary. I raised my head and walked to the window only to be met with raindrops falling from the sky and before I could react the rain dropped heavily. "Oh my God.