Does time heal every wound? (How to use time to heal in 10 ways)

Does time heal every wound? A question I asked myself after i watched something few weeks back when an elderly man tapped a younger man on the shoulder and said "time heals all wounds lad." And I burst out laughing. Really? Who was he kidding? I guess he was just trying to encourage the young guy or make him feel better about the situation. Maybe it worked but I'm sure latter he would realize the bitter truth. I bought a gorgeous heel three years ago and it was sparkling and clean and everything that makes a shoe new. Now I'm staring at it in the wardrobe and its no longer shinning, no longer new. Infact, it has a sratch on the tip, and a dark line on the sole. A lot has changed yet, it's still the same nude shoe I bought three years ago. Even more comfortable now than when it was new because my feet has gotten used to it. Its familiar & comfortable just like a relationship between a married couple.

3 April Fools Day Stories that will Shock You

Its April! Yayyy!!! Welcome to the month of April, a month blessed with juicy april fools day stories. Because it's April fools day. Yippee!!! Okay please don't fool me today I beg you. Waking up this morning made me happy because today is my friends birthday (Happy birthday Aida) and couldn't help but remember that today is also April fools day with comes with lots of April fools day stories. I don't know who invented this April fools day but I'm eternally grateful to that person. For setting out a day where we get to fool or prank people to our hearts content and enjoy their reaction

Where Do You Want To Be In 5 years? (Reflection on effective goal setting)

Someone asked me this question few days ago; Chika, where do you want to be in 5 years? I'm sure the person is probably going to hate me from that day because my answer was not nice at all. *hahaha* I answered that, "I did not understand last year, I'm still trying to understand & navigate this year. Am I Jesus Christ that I would know where I'd want to be in five years from now? I don't like nonsense joor." *laughs* I made a joke out of it because I was pissed by the question in the first place. I just didnt want to sound rude or ignore the person asking so I made light of it.