Try erasing those mistakes again; I have a surprise for you.

*laughs* You’re probably going to make the same mistake I just did. The funny thing is that we already have at the back of our mind that we are in the new year and the new decade. I mean some of us have laid out new year resolutions, visions, plans, scheduled events, hangouts, to do and do nots etc. Some have been singing 2020 since the month of September last year.

So why then do more than half of the world’s population end up making this same mistake?

Because changes are inevitable and we must adjust to them whether we like it or not and whether we are prepared for it or not.

So I’m leaving you with this. This year comes with the full package of everything. I’m not going to beat my chest and tell you its all going to be all rosy and cozy. No. Like every other year its going to come with uncertainties. The best would be to be prepared but sometimes we don’t see the back of the dress we wear to know if it fits properly, so when those changes come, weather good or bad. Rise above those changes. Don’t run. Don’t hide. Don’t give excuses. Don’t shy away. Handle them. Handle those changes with God and a sound mind. Keep writing 2020 till no one notices 2019 was once written before No matter how many erasers break keep erasing it till it turns out perfect.

Keep erasing the bad habits, garbages, negativity, low self esteem till you see the picture of the ‘you’ you’ve always envision to see radiate so brightly.

PS – Don’t be shocked that I don’t have new year resolutions, or a list of how my last year went. The truth is what I’m going to tell you is not enough compared to what these four persons are going to share with you on the blog this month.


You heard right. I’ll be featuring four guest post from four people that made my year one of growth and daring to take chances. These people have blessed me with their wealth of knowledge, their expertise and their story, and I want you to get what I got, to see/feel the impact they’ve impacted and to learn what I have learnt from them. I’ll be posting each post every Friday in this month of January. So watch out for my next post this Friday and other posts to come.

Thank you.

Don’t stop sharing, liking and commenting on each post. Much love xoxo.


  1. ini Edinyang

    The blogger herself
    This is beautiful

  2. Sandra Chris

    Very inspiring,motivating and positive attitude.

    Nice one. Keep it up.

    • chiqj

      Thank you for stopping by Sandra. You make it worthwhile. Love and hugs❤

  3. Ann

    I’ll be here on Friday.

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