For Uncle Paul, its all good.

Last night I heard series of bad news. It felt like it was planned. I was so hurt and angry that I didn’t know what to do. I kept pacing back and forth for what felt like hours. I didn’t feel better. I screamed music, then I stopped. Almost every song on my playlist was either a worship song, slow song or rap. But I Wanted disco, or hip hop or something that wouldn’t be painfully slow and annoying. But that didn’t help at all. Then the TV started playing this Hindi song ( you know how their song can be so emotional and slow) and I almost broke the TV.

My friend asked if she could talk to me but I refused because in the heat of the moment I may just transfer all the aggression on her and still feel worse than before. Praying did not come to my mind. Taking a walk was an option but I dreaded it because my feet felt numb. Thought of reading the bible but I didn’t know where to read.

After all my failed attempt to make myself feel better and to be positive about the whole issue, I simply sat down.

And I asked my self what people do to make themselves feel better after hearing a sad, disappointing or heart wrenching news?

My mind began moving in 360° and that was when the headache started. I slept with that headache and woke up worse; woke up with dizzy eyes, bad headache and a fowl mood.

I began studying the scripture this morning and that was when the answer came. After reading

2 Corinthians 6:8-10 By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true;
As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed;
As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.

A question popped into my head;

What would Paul do? If Paul was in the same situation What would he do ?

And I thought “Uncle Paul would probably walk into his room and study Gods word. When he’s done he would pray, go out and speak to the churches encouraging them and admonishing them and afterwards he’ll come back and eat his meal together with his fellow brethren and after eating he’ll then seek the counsel of the elders and find a solution to the problem”.

Oh God!! I burst out laughing after playing out the scene in my head and answering the question.

Here I was worrying and beating my self up while uncle Paul would move on like nothing happened because of his trust in God.

Now I’m sitting down writing this, wanting to be that strong, to be so unbroken and so unshaken by worldly news and situations. To be so strong and rooted in God that nothing else would bring me down.

I hope you want that too for yourself.

This post was unplanned but I’m so happy that I’m blessed with this platform where I can express my vulnerability and still find solace because of all the amazing readers always reading and always relating to our story. I love you all. And Gods got us.

Tell me how this week started for you and I still need those tips on how you help yourself get better after hearing a bad news in the comment section below.


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