Different encounters at different stops; My travel diary

Guys, remember in my last blog post i promised to reveal the second and probably the most selfish reason why i took on this trip. So hear it is. An Encounter from God. An Encounter for me and an encounter for someone else through me.

On one occasion my friend asked me a question.”What are you going for?”

“I don’t know” I replied, “I’m searching for something”.

I knew what, but I didn’t know how.

Before I took on this trip I had been feeling guilty about not talking about God to other people personally for ages. Not the random, encouraging and inspiring talks from Gods word but the sharing of Gods word to those who know nothing and those who have falling off the train and are too angry or too weak to rise back again.

The thought that what the bible said in 2 Timothy 3:5 “Having the form of Godliness but denying its power thereof” was actually piercing through my heart and it gave me sleepless night. I felt guilty about not winning souls, I felt guilty about not properly serving, I felt I was just enjoying God and not doing anything for him in return.

Ever felt that way before?

How would I populate the kingdom if I don’t go out and meet people? A question I knew the answer to.

And this journey gave me the best feeling of fulfillment in this aspect.

My quest on evangelism turned out to be series of conversations and discussions. I was wowed! Seeing women old enough to be my mother sharing their experiences, opening up to a mere stranger like me. Listening to a little girl named Chika, brought tears to my eyes. Seeing youngsters who didn’t want to be bothered, speak up, warmed my heart.

I prayed in almost every vehicle I entered in the course of this journey and mehn! every section was like a big fifteen minute church service. I was really proud to be a Christian and so were the people who engaged with me in this journey.

One time I was in the east (Owerri) I went to the cinema to watch a movie 21 bridges, those who know me, can testify I practically live in my room, workplace and cinema’s. And that was where I got the second encounter. An Encounter for someone else through me.

I sat in a chair waiting for my order, not knowing that the chair had already been taken. And when this two friends came to sit down, they stopped me from standing up and stood instead waiting for a chair. It was truly a kind gesture.

We began talking, cracking jokes, and laughing it all. They were students so I knew they had more stories to tell than I did.

From our conversation I could tell how hardworking, smart and determined the guy was. Who was so head strong, and unwavering in doing what he thought was best even after the failures and determination he had experienced. I laughed at this point. Here I thought God was using me to talk to them, when the irony was, he was using them to talk to me.

He gave me a word. “It is foolishness to go to a lions den empty handed”.

Then I threw a question to him, “What do you have?”

What do you have in your hands?” You are either holding a weapon, or you’re holding wisdom or you’re holding a skill or you are holding a gift or you are holding money. They both stared at me. And I knew they caught it, while I sat there blushing at this great God for talking to me and telling me what I needed.

We exchanged numbers and when they finished their meal, they left and I went in to watch my movie.

If there was any experience that gave me chills, it was my beach experience. That was where I felt how mighty, awesome and powerful God truly is. I mean if you’ve not given your life to Christ or you’re constantly going back and forth with God then…you’re missing a great deal. The crab holes, the water tides, the waves, the sand, the voice. It was all in my head.

You want to feel closer to God then go surround yourself with nature. I promise you, you’ll not come back the same. The wind on my skin and nostrils gave me complete rest and peace. I have never been so peaceful in my life. I felt God was all in it. I just wanted to touch his face in glory, rest on his shoulders and drift off to sleep.

I remember how difficult it was for me to do this, because i couldn’t leave my mom all alone at home. I didn’t know if i could handle it. But i told myself one thing, if this is the only selfish thing i do for yourself this year, then do it. And so i did it. If i can so can you. Take an alone trip sometime to unwind, do it for your self, do it for rest, do it for peace.

How is your relationship with God now? Do nature also speak to you? I would really love to hear about your beach experience too, so drop a comment below.

Hugs and Love.


  1. Okiowei Sophia ogochukwu

    Am glad you enjoyed yourself and actually did what you love to do …..still my moving train….
    Good one darling

    • This name you gave me recently still cracks me up. Thank you for reading through. Love ❤ xoxo

  2. Iduh. O

    You have already done the trip, but thanks for taking me along in your writing
    Nice one ma’am.

  3. Interesting experience you had Chika …. I think I need that alone trip ooo …
    But how do I go about it?
    Should I go to places where I don’t know anybody or to places where I know a couple of people?

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