Romantic ‘How we met’ stories that would inspire you to love.

Boss and New employee Love story

When it was valentine everyone was singing the praises of their partner so what do they want the unmarried ones like us to do? I asked my self smiling but i knew our time would come. Anyways, that day i was singing the praises of God instead, and imagining how it would feel when i finally meet that special person i can finally call my own.
Its past valentine now but i keep asking myself how did it all start? At what point did their relationship blossom? Did it happen all at once or did it come gradually? Since then I’ve been curious as to how their love story began. How two lives get intertwined and blossom into something deep and strong?

I read a story back in history that captivated my mind and melted my heart

She had lost everything she ever knew or had or cared for. She had no reason to live except for the person behind her. The older woman was more than her family. She was the only friend she had. She was her everything. Even now as she looked at her face, all she could see was self pity, hopelessness, despair and loneliness. She frowned but nodded. She understood everything. She had her own share of that pain and suffering. Now they had finally reached their destination; a foreign land where they would forever be strangers. Having nothing of their own except each other and the blanket of poverty and helplessness.

When morning came she knew she had to look for work or they would definitely die of hunger and starvation. “Let me go out into the fields and pick up any grain left behind by anyone who is kind enough to let me do it” she asked the woman who had become her mother and friend.
“Alright my daughter, go ahead” She agreed immediately.
And it happened she found herself working in a field that belonged to a relative. While she was there that was when he came in.

He arrived looking like the universe all in one. She couldn’t stop staring at him. One could see that he was a wealthy and influential man, yet a good one too. He greeted the others and then he noticed a woman among them that he didn’t know
” Who is that young woman over there? Who does she belong to?” He asked his foreman pointing towards her direction.
“She is the young woman who just came back with her mother”. He replied. “She asked me this morning if she could gather grains and she has been hard at work ever since except for a few minutes rest” He added.
He nodded and went over to her and said “Listen, stay here with us, don’t go to any other fields. Stay behind the young women working in my field. See what part they are harvesting and follow them. I have warned the young men not to treat you roughly and when you are thirsty help yourself to water”.
Immediately she fell and thanked him warmly “What have i done to deserve such kindness? I’m only a foreigner”.
“Yes I know” he told her “but i also know about everything you’ve done for your family. May God reward you fully for what you’ve done”.
“I hope i continue to please you sir” She replied as tears rolled down her eyes “you’ve comforted me by speaking kindly to me even though i am not one of your workers” she added.

As if that was not enough at mealtime he called her and gave her enough food to eat. She ate all she wanted to eat and still had some left over. Her stomach no longer sang songs of hunger. When she went back to work he also ordered his men to let her work without stopping her and never give her a tough time. That was when he began to hold a special place in her heart.
She carried all she gathered and showed her mother. “Where did you gather all this today? Her mother asked. Where did you work? May the lord bless the person ho helped you”. She prayed. So she told him about the man who helped her. “May the lord bless him” She exclaimed. “He is showing his kindness to us. That man is a close relative and one of our family redeemer” She informed.
“Really? Wow! And mother what’s more is that he even told me to come back and stay with his harvesters until the entire harvest is completed”. She said smiling sheepishly.
“Good, do as he says my daughter. Stay with his young women right through the harvest. You might be harassed in other fields but you’ll be safe with him”. The older woman said

With that she continued working at his field and enjoyed every chance she got to be with him. Right after that season. He came to her rescue, purchased the property that belonged to her family and married her. For she was a widow and at that time a widow could not inherit the property of her deceased husband. She was so happy.

He came stroding in like a king. He was truly her knight in shinning armor. She thought she was destined for a helpless and bleak future but he came and brought hope and beauty to her life. That was love in its true form. It was all at once. When he made her feel loved and safe that was when she knew there was only him for her. He saved her. He redeemed her.
That was the true definition of his love.

Ruth and Boaz – The bible is the author of romance and God is love.

Keep your Faith alive and Love would always stay alive.

If you’ve ever been in love and this post inspired you then you can share your love story in the comment and inspire someone


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