7 Things to Improve your Mental Health

7 Things to Improve your Mental Health

Things to improve your mental health are as easy to come by as things needed to improve your physical health. Once you notice any sign of weakness in your body, or any symptom of sickness, the first thing you do is, make a run for medications, prescriptions, exercise, anything to heal your body and make you healthy, but when it comes to your mental health, it becomes extremely difficult to take care of it. There are a lot of physically fit people with mental health issues on the streets. Why?

10 Interesting Facts About Abuja

There are interesting facts about Abuja that may or may not be interesting to you but are important we discuss about. Having visited 21 states in the country and 15 more states left to achieve my travel goals of visiting the complete 36 states of the federation, I was excited about coming to Abuja, the federal capital territory of Nigeria for the first time. It had been one of my travel goals for 2021 and it's beautiful how surprisingly, everything went smoothly. I packed my bags with my travel necessities ( if you know me, I don't miss packing my travel must have's for any trip) and began this journey. My exact thought was "its time to find out what is so special about this city that everyone has been making noise about." And well, I didn't know I was in for a big surprise. *laughs*

10 Bad Days Scriptures to Get You Through Bad Days

Are you having bad days? I bet you are or once were. Truth is, I also have bad days. Who doesn't? Sometimes we worry, sometimes the office gets toxic, sometimes parenting becomes stressful, sometimes working becomes draining, sometimes rest seems far fetched, sometimes we are faced with stumbling blocks, sometimes memories of that trauma haunts you again, sometimes something triggers the pain of losing that person, and sometimes even adulthood alone stresses the hell out of you. And the crazy part is that, on those bad days we lash out, transfer aggression, become quiet, overthink, talk about it, call a therapist, get treated but we seldom seek Gods words. His scriptures have been designed to be there for us on those bad days when all we can see is the evil and ugly. On those dark days his words have been written to lighten our lives.