5 things you would never know about me

1) I hate it when my nails break

I got natural clean nails from my dad. Since I’m used to having them long since I’ve never cut them before, it really pisses me off when they get cracked and eventually break. It ruins my mood.

2) I sleep this way almost every night

Funny right? Don’t blame me. Since I’m looking like a big lady, rubbing powder all over my face before going to bed makes me feel like a child. And I sleep more comfortably sleeping that way. I also forgot to add that the smell of powder fills my nostrils with calm and peace.

3) I haven’t fixed a hair in two years cuz I hate them.

I hate the fact that I have to comb and comb and oil and knot and do all this stuff just to get one hair ready. I’m impatient so I end up ruining my hair. And I hate the heat, weavons give me unbearable heat and makes me scratch my neck all the time. So I dumped it and focused on carrying braids.

4) I don’t like jean pants

They make me look really cool and sexy but I don’t like them because they make me sweat all the time. And anything that makes me sweat is a no no for me. Wearing them can draining at times. You have to push in your legs and drag and drag till they eventually reach your waist. Ain’t got no strength for that.

5) I sleep on the ground 350 nights out of 365 nights of the year.

Not because I don’t like my bed but because I feel more comfortable on the floor. The floor is always cold, it’s hard and it’s more wider and limitless which makes it all the more sweet. Plus I’ve gotten used to it, since I slept on the floor as a child.

I’m sharing this not because I want to share my inner happenings with the world but because I want you to think differently about yourself and people.

When you meet people or friends don’t see the perfection they display in front of them. You should realize there’s a lot of mess in their lives that make that outer look so perfect.

Including you too

Who said those weird excesses you have ain’t cute. They are. They may seem awkward and strange to the world but they make you comfortable and calm so indulge in them. Embrace your silliness and childishness.

In the same light share those strange/bizarre habits you have that no one knows about by dropping a comment and let’s have fun.

P/S – Keep praying and stay safe.


  1. Sandra

    Wow what nice , funny , weird but beautiful attributes you’ve got. We all have ours. Thanks for reminding me once again how amazing & beautiful I am. God bless you 🙏🏼.

    • chiqj

      Oh, dear. I’ll tell you again and again without you asking. Thank you your lovely words. Much love ❤️

  2. Bright Duweni

    Nice inner life story…
    I hate having long nails, anytime I see sign of growth on my nails I feel sick, I love rubbing powder round my neck at night, I love taking meat from my mother’s pot anytime I’m home 😂 😂 😂.

    • chiqj

      Oh my God 😅😅. I can’t believe this. Yours is even worse than mine. It proves we are still children at times. I’m glad you shared yours with me Bright. God bless you

  3. Ann

    You are really a street girl… Areaaaaaaa. I really love that you ain’t ashame at any of those. I will try rubbing the powder on my face, maybe that’s why you now have that smooth face. /smiles/

    • chiqj

      Thank you Ann. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. And there’s one thing I’m sure of, the white powder helps to dry acne and pimples on the face. I don’t know about removing it completely but it helps to dry it and heal it. So try rubbing it as often as possible. Much love ❤️

    • Chika oooo😂😂😂
      Impatient Chika🙌🙌🙌

      I like the real aspect of you always, its really endearing💯
      Some of my weird stuffs👇
      Me I bite my nails kilode & sometimes I chew it for awhile before throwing away😂
      I can brush my teeth for 20-30mins so I end up chewing my brush more often.
      I drink garri most times in the mid night, especially when am watching movies.
      Like listening to music or messages while washing so I can take like 2-3hours washing only 10clothes😂

      These are some of my weird stuffs jare

      • chiqj

        🥺🥺🥺🤣🤣🤣 oh my God! Yours is even more crazier than mine. Wow!! I can’t stop laughing. Especially the chewing brush part.
        That’s what makes us special and different. Thank you for sharing yours. Hugs xoxo

  4. Aida Tamal

    This my babe sha.
    Crossing paths with you in MCA wasn’t a mistake cos’ especially seeing that we share so much on your list in comnon , exception of numbers 1,3 and 5. No. 1 as my nails barely grow above my distal phalanx. No 3 as I fix weavons sometimes although I love going on my natural hair, and 5 as I love the sporty and smart look that comes with jeans(when the combination is right that is).

    Hmmm….I read this smiling from start to finish.
    Nice one babes

    • chiqj

      Oh wow! You know I also found a twin in you Aida. You love going on your natural hair cuz you have beautiful natural hair not people like me 😅.
      I’m glad I made you smile. Don’t tease me about it though. Hugs and love xoxo ❤

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