5 Travel Must have’s necessary for that trip.

During the course of my trip I got a lot of questions about my travel necessities. And I figured out why. Nobody wants to embark on a journey missing the necessary things and end up regretting later why they didn’t have those things. These things are so little yet so important if you are going to be traveling on the roads of Nigeria. Especially during this festive season. So here are my four travel necessities for that trip:

1. Earphone/earpiece

You don’t want to forget this item. The journey is long. It would get boring. Everyone may end up sleeping around you. What would you be doing awake. Music or movie? And you can’t listen to any without a good earphone. So this is a must have on any type of journey at all.

2. A Book.

While some may not see the need for this. This is my favorite travel item. I can’t go anywhere, even if its just a mile away, without a book. If it’s a long journey like the one I just had then I go with two books. A novel and a business/Christian book. While music is good for the soul. A great book is great for the mind. And sometimes earphones can cause head ache, and when it happens like that a book is your saving grace. It helps you feel good about yourself. It gives you that feeling that you’re gaining knowledge and not wasting the time just staring at the driver or the road.

3. Purging Medication

This is the most important item on the list, yet often ignored until the storm begins and you regret why you didn’t take this drug. Once upon a time I ignored this meds and my fate was worse. My stomach raged war for more than 12 hours in a two days journey. That day was the most embarrassing day of my life. Oh God! (laughs) You don’t want to hear the full story. Just know that it was bad!!!! Very bad!!!! I don’t know what works for those outside Nigeria but in Nigeria its “Flagyl” that does the magic. So guys, before you pack your cloths, put your purge medication inside your bag. Because when it starts, God will not save you, only that tablet would.

4. Tote bag

This is for both ladies and gents. You don’t want to pack your shoes, toiletries, cosmetics and deodorants together with your cloths. That’s not right. Your tote bag is best for these items, to give you easy access and to avoid them ruining your cloths. I have the worst tote bag ever, because my things keep falling off (laughs) but it works for me because it carries my non-wear necessities remarkably well. So get yourself a good tote bag and enjoy the ride.

Some of you are still debating if you should embark on that trip. I’ll tell you take it. If you don’t have all the time, take it once a year. Its an opportunity to unwind, create new memories, engage in conversations, see new places and gives you the best time and moment for yourself

I hope you found this post useful. Tell me about your travel must have’s that is not included in the list in the comment section below.


  1. Ann

    Nice one… You’ve said more than enough.
    I’ll go for get🤔

    • Are you still thinking? Or you have no idea? 😂. Thanks for always stopping by Ann. Love and Hugs ❤ xoxo

  2. Henry

    Wow.. I love this. Very needful and timely info. Thank you.

    • I’m glad you found it helpful. Thank you for reading through. Merry Christmas ❤

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