What happens when you exhaust everything in you?

Your dreams may be shattered in a twinkle of an eye
Dream anyways

You may be criticized for laughing when mourning
Laugh anyways

Your help may be used against you
Help anyways

Your love my be ignored and not reciprocated
Love anyways

Your vision may be seen as a piece of trash
Visionalize anyways

Your prayers may not be answered now
Pray anyways

Your Righteousness may not be seen
Be righteous anyways

The Road may get tough
Be tough anyways

Your commitment may be fruitless
Be committed anyways

You may get what you don’t expect
Be expectant anyways

The fight may get weary and tiring
Fight anyways

Your true intentions may be misunderstood
Be true to yourself anyways

The wind may be hard, the rain may get heavy, the trees may fall but…
The birds sing anyways


  1. Bright Duweni

    Sometimes it’s really difficult to continue when all efforts seems fruitless but nevertheless let’s continue.

    • Yes it is. We continue because in the end it’ll all pay off even though we wont realize it now

  2. Iboro

    God will give us the grace to pick up courage and keep pressing. Thanks Chika for sharing

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