The Shocking response to “You’re beautiful”

Thank you guys for your feedbacks on my last blog post. You make this blog what it truly is.

Something awkward happened few days ago. I still cant get over it (laughs). On my way to work on a very cloudy morning, i and other passengers dropped down from the taxi and while walking to hop into another one, i looked at the lady beside me and; Gosh! She looked terrific; light skinned, gorgeous hair, simple make over and dressed in a pretty red straight skirt and a stripped shirt that hugged her body firmly. I couldn’t resist, so i walked up to her

“Ma’am you look really lovely, i must say”. I said still smiling.

She looked at me for what seemed like fifteen seconds and continued walking.

“Really?… It left me dumbfounded.

Later i told my friend about the incidence and she burst into laughter

“Oh Chika, your too much compliment has landed you in trouble”, she continued giggling, “you compliment people at the weirdest time ever”. She said finally.

“But i mean, a compliment is a good thing, the other lady i complimented, ended up blessing me, hugging me and even blushing all through the day”, i said confused, “does it mean there is a right time and place to give a harmless compliment?” I wondered.

“I think so, anyways, you’re really good at giving compliments. This was just a bad one . Don’t over think it, okay?

“Okay”. I replied.

An honest compliment is the greatest gift given to a man who’s had a bad day. Compliment is a boost to our confidence

True to my friends word. I cant keep quiet when i see or hear a commendable thing. Its like i wear compliment everywhere i go, ready to unleash it on the next person that walks by me. (No wonder its listed as one of the FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES; i still wonder why its not my love language).

I compliment a lot, Anyhow and at anytime. But this particular incidence didn’t sit well with me. so I had to ask a few people for their views on this subject; Is there a right time and place to compliment a person? and below are their responses:

There is no right time to compliment a person – you should compliment people as often as possible because everybody needs sincere compliments, it helps us love & appreciate ourselves more & become better people. This is both for the complementer & the person receiving the compliments. There is no right place to give a person a compliment – we should compliment people anywhere, actually as we go.
This will show you are sincere with your compliments because people get it anytime & anywhere from you.


Maybe on their birthdays and days that matters to them.
Hmm. I don’t think there is a right place to compliment a person.


You can compliment anyone anytime, it depends on what it is. If you expect a reaction, then you want to do that when they are in a good place to reciprocate, but then when they are in a bad place your compliment might just be the light they need to feel good.
But make sure you are not doing it out of turn, so it’s not perceived wrongly. You can compliment anyone anywhere. But what changes is the language or approach you use. It has to be appropriate for the occasion.


First of all, we have to know what a compliment means, and it means An expression of praise, congratulation or respect. So in that regard, i would say there is no right time, or place someone does something commendable.


I would love to hear your responses to the question, that would help clear some misconceptions regarding this issue. And also help clear my confusion too

We’ll continue tomorrow, watch out for my next blog post. Hit the follow button to get a notification when i post a blog post. I love y’all.


  1. Hehe, what exactly is the misconception you are having with compliments?

    Then also, from the experience you’ve shared, you’ve done your part of sharing your sincere admiration concerning the person, its quite unfortunate that the person didn’t get it.
    I guess some people just don’t know how to receive compliments or maybe she just wasn’t in the mood at that particular time.
    However, whatever the reason was, you have played your part & she had done what she felt was best at that point in time – life goes on my dear😄

    Her receiving the compliments won’t kuku add one naira to your account so why worry about it😂😂😂

    Just keep been amazing & giving people compliments💯
    On a deeper level, its not about others, its more about you – giving sincere compliments is appreciating something in someone & that takes someone who appreciates his/herself personally to do well. Its a sign of a healthy self esteem & strong self character👌

    • The misconception was that there was a problem with what i did; when personally i felt nothing was wrong.

      But like you said I’ve done my part and its time to move on and not mind what anyone thinks and just be myself.

      Your words are truly participating and inspiring Banjhie. Thank you. Hugs xox

  2. Bright Duweni

    Well I think there is no right time or place to compliment a person, but the truth is the lady from the above scenario was afraid or suspicious (this is Nigeria). So I don’t blame her fully.

    • Funny you Bright. Thank you for your opinion on this matter. Hugs and love ❤

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