Look deep. The power lies within

First off, she’s not my baby. I’m not a mother. Yet. And I’m still very single. Could you do me a Favour? Swipe up and take a good look at that picture again. Isn’t she breathtaking?
I was at the office desk when this little one came in lying on her mothers arm. Her mother is a very loyal client, and after gushing and mushing over her, the next thing that came to my mind was take her pictures. I did just that and it was an amazing experience. I went back to work and couldn’t stop smiling at her gorgeous form. I was obviously smitten by this breath of fresh air. She became my morning inspiration (which was totally different from my mornings this past few days…) I silently whispered how wonderful God is. She was the true definition of perfection.

Enough of the baby talk…Back to real talk

For a week now, I’ve been coming home very late from work. I was always working overtime and its not like an extra cash would be in my pocket or my account balance would increase. Nothing of that sought. It was messing with my activities and ruining my plans, and was turning into a normal routine and i got pissed and knew that things needed to change. On Friday morning i promised myself that it would be different. I had a zillion things to do , chores were piled up, emails needed to be replied, i needed to run on errands, Bottom line; i needed to put my life in order.
I organized my to do list, set a reminder and threw myself into work. Five minutes to closing time i received a call

“Hey Chika, please wait for me okay. A client is coming. Don’t worry we wont take long”
“Hmm..” I replied groaning. Really? Did they have to come now? What happened to an hour or two hours ago? I complained. I knew that the opposite of what my boss said would happen. And it did.

They came in twenty minutes late, wasted an hour and ten minutes on something that would have been handled in twenty minutes. For every minute i was attending to them my anger grew. I was so angry that i could kill an elephant and that anger was evident on my face. I could take anything but i cant take anyone or anything messing with my plans and schedule.
Finally, after what seem to be an eternity, she glanced at me and saw the ugly frown on my face and stood up “You can now go dear. I’ll do the rest. Well done” she said. My thought was, what’s the need, the damage has been done.

Sitting at the back of the cab on my way home, i was still angry, it was eight thirty and i was no where near home, the traffic was crazy and the heat was scorching. ‘Today would be a wasted day again’ i murmured. I brought my face closer to the window and glanced out and the cool breeze clapped my face. It was so refreshing that a small smile appeared on face and the next thing i said was ‘I love you God’. Chika really? Two seconds ago you were angry and now you are smiling and confessing your love. Wow! I laughed at the thought. That’s what happens when i see God everywhere. I get all happy and romantic.

Just as my anger vanished at the thought of God and his beautiful creation. I knew my workload could also vanish. I decided that no matter what it takes i would definitely achieve whatever was in my to do list that night.

The minute i reached home, i threw my bag on the bed, changed to my shorts, tied a scarf on my hair and started working. In five long hours i was done with cooking (i love my home made food), laundry, doing the dishes, organizing my books, arranging my notes, replying my mails and…Whoop!!! I was done.

By three in the morning i was lying down on the bed reading a book with my sleepy eyes, alongside listening to ‘You Say’ by Lauren Daigle, and waiting for sleep to drift me away. I knew i only had three hours of sleep left but i didn’t care. I had climbed over a mountain and achieved what i thought my body and strength couldn’t achieve. I realized God gives us the strength and power, and it would always be there for us as his children. But the real recipe is our ability to set our mind on the goal and be determined; that is the true power within us. The power is not in the things that make it easy. The power is in us.

Just like this cute little girl. The magic is not in the multivitamins she’s been given everyday, nor in the nutritious baby food nor the scented baby lotion and powder, nor the pretty cloths and accessories. No! The real magic is in the mother who feeds her, who comforts her, who looses sleep for her sake, who would go hungry for her sake, who baths her, cleans up her mess and make her refreshed, clean, comfortable and pretty always.

Even the business and career men and women, boys and girls. Its not the computer staring at you on your office desk, or the branding and packaging of your products. No its you! You take the idea and turn it into a workable project. Your skill, potentials and proficiency increases your market structure, maximises your profit and gives you efficient and effective result. Its all in You.

To the student its not in the thousand and one books been recommended, or the fully air conditioned halls, or the beautifully flowered surrounding. Instead, its in your ability to learn and be focused at every chance. Its those night you stay awake for knowledge. The power is in you darling.

To the Chef. Its not in the industrial kitchen utensils, or the great spices and best ingredient. No. I mean you’re amazing , you gather all these raw grains, food and condiment from different parts of the world and turn it into something tasty and edible, delicious and sumptuous. So don’t fuss dear. You’ve got it all in you.

To the designer, its not in the best fabric or the stitches or the amazing sequence, but its in your ability to turn pieces of fabrics and material into fashionable wears that are stylish, sleek, cool and trendy.

Or is it the event planners and decorators that take anything and everything that comes handy and create our dream home and imaginary event; weather its our dream wedding, our fantasy engagement, the best parties and the tidiest corporate event ever.

Even the writers and bloggers who through their passion, knowledge, research, and life experiences create long and short contents that are inspiring, motivating and educating. Even with their busy schedule they never stop and You see people from all parts of the world building a community of shared thoughts, experiences and love. I really don’t know how they do it. I’m still growing. They are truly amazing.

So celebrate your efforts, skills and capabilities. And when you fall remember you’ve got a God who’ll always make his strength available and you’ve got everything within you to rise up again.

The power is not in the sword but in the one who wields the sword”


    • Wow!! Really? I’m glad you enjoyed it. You just made my day Salem. Thank you. ❤

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