The little boys letter

I was at my desk that morning when she came over and asked with a grin on her face “What do you think you’re writing? I’m sure you’re writing a love letter to him”. I laughed out loud and wondered which ‘him’. it was then I remembered years ago when letters were the best art of communication especially when we wrote letters to our crush or our secret admirers anonymously. It was through letters loved ones communicated , it was through letters the opposite sex revealed their feelings to each other and probably fixed a date through letters too. So I thought of what would it feel like to write a letter to God, not a letter to my lover, boyfriend or admirer but to God himself even though I knew God isn’t a human being that could just grab the letter wear his glasses and read it out loud, but I knew he could see it, feel its content and express himself in his glory. The problem was I had already written a letter to him four years earlier which I shared in Facebook not too long ago, where I revealed my intimacy with him. ” Oh” I said to myself smiling as I recalled a letter I received from a little boy. He said if God was sitting with him at home this was what he wanted to tell him so he handed over the letter to me and asked me to read it. I want to share this letter with you too.

letter content

” Lord I thank you for my life for making me to see January to this new month November. for the sleeping and waking up, provision. I am grateful. even for the going out and coming in, for going to school, for Divine protection. Thank you for forgiving my sins father the ones I haven’t said take over them.
Lord I thank you for my family life and for making them to see January to November for their sleeping and waking up, provision, shelter. I am so grateful. Give them grace to train me and my siblings thank you for Mmesoma, Ikechukwu, my mum, my dad. may your name be glorify.
Thank you for my relatives. My friends father. Give my neighbors money to go back to school, feed them well. even as we are going to bed Father takeover the night… forgive all our sins.
Father in this prayer anyone I haven’t said take over commit them into your hands in Jesus name I pray. Amen”.

What it revealed was beyond my expectation. I expected to hear “God please give my daddy plenty money to buy new toys and games for me” or “God help me take first position in my class”. But the words he wrote got me dumbfounded. His very heart was the spirit of thanksgiving, protection and selfless provision. As adults we always know its important to say I’m sorry, Please and Thank you in everything we do. But this child displaying his heart and wish selflessly was pleasing.
Firstly, his every word was to say thank you not for the little things he wanted from a God he knew can give him everything but for the things he already had; his little brother, sister and parents.
Secondly, he was happy to be back at school but he was also sad because his friends and neighbors hadn’t gone back to school yet because of no finance. For that he wanted God to provide for them to do so.

Thirdly, his words of protection was directed to protect everyone around him that was why his last sentence was what took my breath away “Father in this prayer anyone I haven’t say takeover, commit them into your hands…” These words was like an extra covering for all those he forgot to mention which proved that his innocence, sensitivity and character was humbling.

After reading this letter I remembered my early key quote “sometimes when you expect too much you get disappointed but when say thanks you get much more”. I figured out that the best ways to approach God was with a prayer like this. I want to see the world with a grateful and a selfless heart like this little one. I hope you do so too after all Philippians 4:6 said it all ” Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayers and supplication with thanksgiving make your request known to God”.

PS – the blury area is there to protect the writers confidence.

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  1. Iboro

    Awesome post. May thanksgiving be part of our life always

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