10 Bad Days Scriptures to Get You Through Bad Days

Are you having bad days? I bet you are or once were. Truth is, I also have bad days. Who doesn't? Sometimes we worry, sometimes the office gets toxic, sometimes parenting becomes stressful, sometimes working becomes draining, sometimes rest seems far fetched, sometimes we are faced with stumbling blocks, sometimes memories of that trauma haunts you again, sometimes something triggers the pain of losing that person, and sometimes even adulthood alone stresses the hell out of you. And the crazy part is that, on those bad days we lash out, transfer aggression, become quiet, overthink, talk about it, call a therapist, get treated but we seldom seek Gods words. His scriptures have been designed to be there for us on those bad days when all we can see is the evil and ugly. On those dark days his words have been written to lighten our lives.

3 Dire Consequences Of Ignoring The Holy Spirit

The consequences of ignoring the holy spirit are dire and detrimental to your existence as a beautiful lady & sophisticated gentleman. The past couple of weeks have been very trying and challenging in almost every area of my life aside from one. *winks* First my mom was ill, something so little that we even took lightly ended up been so drastuc, and would have been destructive if I kept ignoring the holy spirit. Now as a family we are as fresh as a newly baked cake and equally happy. I've seen myself making spur of the moment decisions this week. You know those kind of unexpected events that drive you to make decisions you never saw coming. This particular one made me withdrawn, and dampened my resolve to an extent that I had no idea on the way forward, like a plot twist. The only way forward was scary and daunting until I heard his voice. "Make that call." I heard and ignored.

3 Effective Ways To Find Peace Of Mind And Happiness

Last week we talked about unexpectations then a question popped in my head, would I be at peace when something unexpected happen? Nah. I doubt that. Truth is my mind would be in constant turmoil thinking of how to handle the blow and how to face this new pursuit. When James was informed that his shop was engulfed in flames. He was thrown off balance. Loosing everything, the sweat, blood, money was all gone. Everything was lost. He went from thinking of how to keep growing in business to how he would start afresh all over again. His peace was denied. How would he find peace of mind again and happiness. The same day John went on one knee and proposed to his friend of three years. And beautifully she said "yes I will." It was the most heartwarming feeling ever to those watching and such a big blessing & celebration for John whose heart couldn't stop beating. *laughs* But later that night all the happiness disappeared. The sweet memory was gone now replaced with